Saturday, September 26, 2009

Syndrome or Conan O'brien?

I mentioned to a student named Makayla (who I always joke around with) that I heard she had been smooching her boyfriend on campus. She pretended to be angry with me for hearing about that. An hour later, she and her friend Rebecca (whom I've known for years) came storming up to me to let me know that I look like Syndrome from "The Incredibles." Apparently, that was their way of getting back at me for embarrassing Makayla. The mental picture brought mirth to my heart:

Yet, I was also told by a very enthusiastic Vons checkout lady (I think she was taking her title a little too literally) that I looked like Conan O'Brien (albeit, a very handsome version):

Is it possible that I could look like both of them at the same time? I mean, there is the whole crazy hair deal going on... Would that make me some kind of freakish "love child" wrought by some unholy union between the two?