Sunday, September 27, 2009

Is global warming the religion of the left?

To my dad and myself, "The Left" are those of Fascistic ideology who believe they are intelligent enough to make our decisions for us. My dad wrote to me some commentary on this "intelligentsia":

"The Left is constantly screeching that the “religious” Right are about to take over when it’s their “religion” that poses the real threat to our lives, liberty and economic well-being. What is it with people believing completely contradictory things?"

From health care to cap and trade to financial bailouts and government stimulus packages (with a good dose of alternative fuel energy policy thrown in), in what ways have we seen our personal liberties expanded? Have we been given the opportunity to deliberately debate these massive government-change social projects? For proof of where mandatory health insurance will take us link jump the provided article. You should be outraged to find out that, not only will you be penalized for not buying into it, you may even face up to a year of jail time!

If you're willing to read through even part of this article about global warming, you will see how we are being told how to live by politicians, "scientists," and environmentalists who willfully skew the facts to fit their own beliefs so that they may accumulate power.

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