Saturday, September 11, 2010

Q'uran burnings and double standards.

A friend of mine recently posted some logical and very well-reasoned questions on the 9/11 Q'uran burning:

Ok, let me first say that I do not support burning the Quran, I am not defending this pastor, and I'm not saying this action reflects all Muslims, BUT, why is there no public outcry over actions like this: "In Afghanistan, hundreds of Afghans burned an American flag and chanted "Death to the Christians" to protest the ...planned Quran burning."??? (

So let me get this protest a hateful act by one American (which is also an act of "protest" according to the pastor), HUNDREDS of members of this religion burn an entire country's flag and chant "DEATH to ALL Christians". Is it just me, or does there seem to be a double-standard here?

After a pretty extensive conversation with some other posters, my thoughts clarified with the thought that Jesus gave His life to save us from such inconsistencies of behavior and belief. I responded:

An important thing to remember about Christianity in relation to Islam is that Christians don't consider it blasphemy to burn the bible. The Word is not on paper so that human hands can destroy it. The Word became flesh in the form of Jesus... and was absolutely crushed by God for bearing the weight of our sins. So, a true Christian is one who admits the sickness in their heart, sees the wickedness of such actions, and looks to Jesus for forgiveness of their wrongdoings. After all, what is worse: Burning the written word of one religion or murdering the incarnated (enfleshed) Word and leader of another?

If Jesus was killed for His faith in the Father, why would His followers fare any better? If Christians are citizens of heaven first (which will last forever), why would we care if the flag of the nation we live in (that will pass away) is burned? Answer those questions and you will understand the double-standard and realize why, for the most part, true Christians are concerned more with the salvation of sinners and not wrongdoings perpetuated against themselves.

Christians should consider that their personal sin is responsible for the death of Jesus before calling judgment upon sinners who don't even know Jesus. That is the humility Jesus calls us to upon our repentance. This is why the Q'uran burning is foolish and why the double-standard is comprehensible.
Thoughts? Words of wisdom? Share them, please!

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