Friday, July 9, 2010

There is joy in the waiting.

People often ask if I have a girlfriend the answer to which has, for all but a month of my life, been an emphatic "no." Most usually, when asked by Christians I know (or family), I get the response that "It'll be OK. The right person will come at just the right time!" Well, I'm not in a rush and I'm not hoping for someone to show up at the wrong time!

I believe in a sovereign, all-mighty God, who has my best interests at heart. To the core of my being, as a creation that bears the image of the invisible God, my purpose is to grow in His love and admonition. Thus, for every moment of my life, I have the opportunity and privilege to offer my heart and every action and thought up to His divine providence.

It is meant as worthy of great honor to seek Jesus' face as a single man. Having many friends who are married and being able to ask their advice on how to wait upon the Lord clarifies the journey that leads up to marriage. I am able to focus on my own growth in the Spirit and His ways so that, in the fullness of His timing for me, I might be a man deserving of the woman He has specifically fashioned to have my heart. It is good to learn from the experiences of those who have gone before me!

Waiting for the right woman should be an occasion for joy and hope just as waiting on the Lord to return is. His promises are good and certain for He is the Giver of EVERY good gift...even patience. I have often reminded myself that being single and happy is far better than being in a relationship and miserable. Also, a good friend of mine has often said, "Evan, you have NO IDEA how bad it is to be married to someone you don't enjoy." This is wisdom people; to not be unequally yoked!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, being single is less evil than being married, huh? Funny comment.
